[asvc_header_block title=”INTENSIVE CARE INFANT RADIANT HEAT WARMER” subtitle=”MEDILAP RADIANT WARMER MRW-04+” header_font_size=”h4″ align=”center” texttransform=”none” line=”0″]

Technical Specification
Microproceesor based Radiant Warmer
- Microprocessor-based innovation guarantees precise support of set temperature with inner exactness of 0.01°.
- Easy to use on-board temperature alignment with feather touch keys.
- Easy to understand feather contact control.
- Key-Pad lock to prevent accidental changes of any set parameters.
- Fitted with special halogen/LED examination light for operating the baby for treatment.
- A green indicator is provided for informing that the system is ready for normal use. Rendered with LED bar for heater ON %, while maintaining set value.
Babby Bassinet/Trolley
- The device has a fixed bassinet trolley.
- Baby Bed has a tilt-able provision for the x-ray cassette holder.
- Mattress foam density is < 25 kg/cm3.
- Transparent Unbreakable Polycarbonate collapsible sidewalls are easily detachable for cleaning.
Head/Heater box of Radiant Warmer
- Microprocessor-based Radiant Warmer consists of both Servo controlled and manual modes with digital display, Unit consisting swiveling heater source with high-quality ceramic heaters (Quartz / Calaroid on demand).
- Warmer head 90 degrees rotatable in both directions, so as to allow taking X-ray.

- Unbreakable transparent drop-down side panels, IV pole, Side shelf for monitors
& bottom shelf for baby belongings. - Suction Unit
Examination Lamp
- Observation light Luminance >1000lux and Colour temperature is in between 3700K to 5100K.

Phototherapy Unit (Over / Under surface)
- Irradiance > 35 µwatts/cm2/nm
- LED Life – > 35,000 hrs.
- No UV/IR Radiation
- No Heat Generation
- Low Power Consumption

[asvc_header_block title=”Temperature / Controls” subtitle=”Servo(Baby, Air), Manual” header_font_size=”h4″ texttransform=”none” line=”0″]
- 1” bright skin & Air temp. display
- Green LED Indicator for System Ready Function
- Numeric % of the heater output display
- Set temp. display on LCD
- Control mode display on LCD
- APGAR Timer display on LCD
Safety Alarm for Auto Mode(Skin)
- “Skin Temp. High” (>0.5°C of set temp.)
- “Skin Temp. Low” (<0.5°C of set temp.)
- “Skin Temp. Over Range” (>38°C)
- “Skin Probe Fail” (“Sensor Error”)
Manual Mode
- Time programmable
- Heater output adjustable
- Over temp. cutoff.
- Timer / APGAR Timer
- Audio Alarm mute facility
Safety Alarm for Auto Mode(Air)
- “Air Temp. High” (>1.5°C of set temp.)
- “Air Temp. Low” (<3.0°C of set temp.)
- “Air Temp. Over Range” (>39°C)
- “Air Probe Fail”
System Alarm
- Temp High.
- Temp Low.
- Over-Temp.
- Heater Failure
- Power Failure
- Sensor Error